On-line submersible UV-VIS spectrophotometer

The s::can spectro::lyser™ is characterised by measuring many parameters in various applications: Monitoring tasks from nitrate in sludgy aeration tanks to monitoring DOC limits in high purity drinking waters can be solved.
Complete UV / VIS– Spectra
Nitrate and/or nitrite concentration
The load information expressed as DOC, TOC, COD and BOD, depending on the used algorithm
Plus any information you like at nearly any wavelength between 200 and 750 nm.
UV-Vis fingerprints (200-750mm)
RS485 Interface
Power supply 12V/20W
2-Beam optical design (Auto compensation)
Modbus protocol (38400 Baud Standard)
Electrochemical analysis of water quality
Our field laboratory is also equiped with the serie of portable devices for electrochemical analysis of water quality from WTW and HACH-LANGE. Probes for measurement of pH, dissolved oxygen (now with LDO - Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen technology), conductivity or redox potenciál (ORP) are available.
Multiparametric Probe YSI 6920
Multiparametric probe enables direct measurement of water quality in water streams or waste water. Basic parameters that can be measured are pH, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, ammonium, chlorides etc.