Ing. Vojtěch Bareš, Ph.D.

Ing. Vojtěch Bareš, D 1082

phone: (+420) 224 354 350
fax (secretary): (+420) 224 355 474


  • 1992 - 1999 - CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Structures, master degree
  • 1999 - 2006 - CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, LERMO, doctoral degree
  • 2002-2003 - Swiss Federal Institute of Environmental Science and Technology , EAWAG, Department of Environmental Engineering. research assistent - 5. EU Framwork Project "Assessing Infiltration and Exfiltration on the Performance of Urban Sewer System".
  • 2006 - present - CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Ecological Engineering, researcher/lecturer

Area of interest:

From the beginning of his work at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vojtěch Bareš has been applying himself to waste water hydraulics. He is mainly concerned with experimental research of unsteady flow, experimental data assessment methodology and application of ultrasonic methods in fluid mechanics Furthermore; he cooperates on research projects of the department. Between 2002-2003, he has collaborated on project " Assessing Infiltration and Exfiltration on the Performance of Urban Sewer Systems" under the scheme of 5.RTD EU during his traineeship on Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - EAWAG, Zurich. Particularly he worked on development of the new methods for infiltration/exfiltration identification in waste water systems.

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